Over the years, operating systems have sought to be more efficient, which is why it is vital that the use of main memory such as ram be as intelligent as possible, so that operating systems are more efficient.
Segmentation is a process of dividing the program into logical units, such as sub functions, arrays, variables, etc., making it possible to have processes divided into pieces so that it is easy to access each of the processes that this leads to its execution. Segmentation allows the programmer to contemplate the memory as if it had several address spaces or segments. References to memory consist of an address of the form segment number - offset.
Pagination is a technique where memory space is divided into physical sections of equal size, called page frames. The programs are divided into logical units, called pages, that are the same size as the page frames. In this way, an information page can be loaded in any page frame. The pages serve as an information storage unit and transfer between main memory and auxiliary or secondary memory. Each frame is identified by the frame address, which is in the physical position of the first word in the page frame.
The advent of personal computing brought about by the implementation of several technologies including MOSFET, semiconductors, microchip and integrated circuits has revolutionized life in at a very high rate of change where traditional ways of doing things rapidly change and for the first time power was easily reachable by accessing a personal computer.
1. The computer personal computer brought about word processing, where there are very limited errors in individually printed documents and the time to produce a quality document was reduced
2. Email - With the advent of personal computers email, the information and communication time were lowered and it resulted in changes in commerce
3. Video conferencing - It was possible to have video conferencing with people and make decisions regarding direction can be made real time from very distant locations, which improved business reaction time
4. The mouse- The concept of having a graphic user interface improved computer interaction for people with limited programming skills.
i would say C.output
the program would be the code, the input would be the input, and the memory card would be the memory leaving the output as the only thing forgotten.
The right approach is Option b (volume testing).
- A non-functional trial that has been conducted throughout a results evaluation where even a large amount of information becomes accessible to something like the program, would be determined as Volume testing.
- The application functionality has been analyzed by determining the maximum volume throughout the database.
Other options are not related to the given query. So the above is the right response.