We have moved onto constantly redefining Inclusivety of people, and their rights.
Men and Women, Nationality, Race, sex, rights to vote, rights to living how we want.
We may from time to time find ourselves having to defend these rights, but the Republic will endure.
Through the silk road.
the Mediterranean Sea
, trans-Saharan and
the Indian Ocean,
This is trade endurance
The Silk Road consisted of a succession of trails followed by caravans through Central Asia, about 6,400 km in length. Merchants with their caravans were shipping goods back and forth from one trade center to the other.
In addition to silk, major commodities traded included gold, jade, tea, and spices.
The Silk Road was important because it helped to generate trade and commerce between a number of different kingdoms and empires.
The D. Force acts a series of <span>legeslative</span> acts that <span>passedunder</span> the Grant administration in 1870 and 1871 authorized federal protection for black suffrage through the use of the Army against the Ku Klux Klan.
The Enlightenment influenced the French and Haitian Revolutions by inculcating on the minds of people the possibility and importance of equality and representative government.
- Toussaint L’Ouverture, a slave who was influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment, went to the Caribbeans and inculcated on the minds of the people the significance of freedom.
- He took charge as the leader of the revolution in Haiti and led it against their French colonizer.
- The seeking of equality and equal representation proposed through the enlightenment ideas became the foundation of the French Revolution.
A messenger ran a marathon to get help
The Battle of Marathon was fought because the Persian Army wanted to defeat the Greek city-states that supported the uprisings in Ionia. So a messenger ran to sparta to get help.