Satuiated fat that is th aw you are looking for
Oral cancer is not an effect of long term alcohol consumption
The review of the literature can be curtailed when: A. You are no longer encountering new ideas or information. All of the work done by top researchers in the area has been reviewed.
Food irradiation is the technology which uses the ionization radiation to improve the shelf-life of food. The radiation helps in killing the microbes present in the food which can cause food spoilage and foodborne illnesses.
The safety of the irradiated food is evaluated over the last 50 years by numerous health organization and they found that the food item in which radiation are used to kill microbes are safe to eat.
They have found that the irradiation of food improves the shelf-life of food by eliminating microbes like pasteurization, canning, etc. Therefore the statement is true.
Why is it important for boys and girls to get the human papillomavirus ( HPV) vaccine? The vaccine can prevent the types of HPV that cause cervical and other cancers.
Option D is correct.