It is quite difficult to picture a pseudoscientist—really picture him or her over the course of a day, a year, or a whole career. What kind or research does he or she actually do, what differentiates him or her from a carpenter, or a historian, or a working scientist? In short, what do such people think they are up to?
… it is a significant point for reflection that all individuals who have been called “pseudoscientists” have considered themselves to be “scientists”, with no prefix.
The answer might surprise you. When they find time after the obligation of supporting themselves, they read papers in specific areas, propose theories, gather data, write articles, and, maybe, publish them. What they imagine they are doing is, in a word, “science”. They might be wrong about that—many of us hold incorrect judgments about the true nature of our activities—but surely it is a significant point for reflection that all individuals who have been called “pseudoscientists” have considered themselves to be “scientists”, with no prefix.
New cells are typically produced during cell division. Cell division is a complex process that is regulated and checked at many points. Due to varying factors, the cell regulation mechanism may become non functional and this usually result in abnormal cell growth and division.
An abnormal cell growth may be cancerous or non cancerous. The best thing to do when one notices an abnormal growth in his body is to go and see the doctor. The doctors will administer appropriate test in order to determine the type of tumor that is present. If the tumor is non cancerous it will be removed by minor surgery. In case the tumor is cancerous, appropriate treatments will depending on the part of the body where it is found, the stage of growth and nature of the cancerous cells.
None of the questions asked can be answered completely from the graph provided
1) Which source of electricity generation caused the most emissions?: The graph does provide the information of greenhouse gas emission from different sectors like electricity, transport, industry, agriculture, commercial and residential. Electricity can be generated from several sources like hydrothermal, nuclear, etc. However, information of how these sources contributes towards greenhouse gas emission via electricity sector is not provided in graph
2) What types of industries are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions?: The graph does provides the information about total greenhouse gas emissions from industries. However, individual contribution from different types of industries cannot be answered.
3) Which natural sources of greenhouse gas emissions are shown here?: The graph provides information about greenhouse gases emission only due to human activity like electricity generation, agriculture, etc. and not from natural sources.
4) Why is agriculture the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions?: The reason for largest emission of greenhouse gas due to agriculture cannot be answer from information provided.
5) What caused the dip in greenhouse gas emissions in transportation after 2007?: The reason for dip in greenhouse gas in transportation cannot be answer from information provided.
Read more on -
A. anther
B. receptacle
C. sepal
D. petal
F. filament
K. pollen tube
O. Ovule
P. Style
* I'm confused with H and J