Regulating pollutant discharges into the waters of the United States
Economic growth
It would help the planet plants animals and people
I think the answer is to throw away all uneaten and excess food...etc
They train our immune system so it's ready when our bodies are attacked, and they aid in digestion and supply us with vitamins. ... Scientists and doctors can even utilize prokaryotes to help the human body.
Air enters into the body through nose and proceeds to pharynx or windpipe afterwards it proceeds down and reaches to larynx the voice box and continue to proceed to trachea which is surrounded by rings so that by air pressure it cannot be collapse from there a divides into two side left and right bronchus then it conducted towards bronchioles which is the pathway to alveoli at last it reaches to its Final Destination (not that movie....hahah) which is alveoli where the exchange of gases takes place