there are 7 types of maps
Political Map: A political map shows the state and national boundaries of a place
Physical Map:A physical map is one which shows the physical features of a place or country, like rivers, mountains, forests and lakes
Topographic Map:A topographic map is used for observing the structures of the earth's surface
Climatic Map: A climate map is a map used for showing climates in different parts if the country or world
Economic or Resource Map: A economic map is used to outline the kind of economic activities that take place in a certain region.
Road Map:A roadmap is a strategic plan that defines a goal or desired outcome and includes the major steps or milestones needed to reach it.
Time Zones Map:A time zone map is used for showing time zones around the world
The correct answer is:
The author's purpose for the allusion is to emphasize how seriously the relationship is doomed.
Romeo and Juliet was a tragic story. Two star-crossed lovers who could not be together, and have a sustaining relationship. Comparing Sasha and Karl to this really shows how these two face a similar proposition. Their relationship is doomed. They can't be together like Romeo and Juliet could not be together.
is this supposed to be qn essay or?
It is not always good to expect from people. There is much more satisfaction in expecting more from yourself when you know that you can do more. Learn to be independent. We are free humans, safe from slavery unlike in the old days. There is much more freedom available for a majority of the people around the world. Therefore, one must take advantage of this. Learn to stand on your own feet, and look for people who can actually be available and will be concerned with your personal problems. Maybe you are the one who can help them before they can help you. It is a give and take situation sometimes.