Yes,homeostasis inside a cell organelle .
Its function is to maintain a normal balance within the body regarding its temperature, salt concentration and food instake.
Hope this will help yuh!
First of all, the most common type of CNS neuron is the multipolar neuron meaning it has many dendrites and dendritic branches, a cell body or soma, and a single axon. The information flow through this neurons starting from receiving multiple impulses from multiple synapses since this kind of neurons has many dendrites. The signal will then flow in an anterograde manner meaning the multiple signals will flow towards the cell body or the soma to be integrated. Next is that the integrated signal will flow to the neuron's axon to be transmitted to other neurons.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide,water and sunlight to make their own food,grow and release oxygen through photosynthesis. They're a huge part in keeping our air clean. The carbon becomes part of the plant. Plants that die and are buried may turn into fossil fuels made of carbon like coal and oil over millions of years. When humans burn fossil fuels, most carbon enters the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
The answer is S phase.
If drugs prevent DNA replication which occurs in the S phase. That means that the S phase will be affected by these drugs.
The twisted shape of DNA is called Double Helix