The decimal point is placed after two digits starting from the end. For each decimal place, we can write the number divided by 100.
21.12 can be written as .
Divide the numerator and denominator by 2:
The numerator and denominator can be divided by 2 again:
There is no other common factor between numerator and denominator other than 1. Hence, it is the reduced form.
<span>Power is measured in watts. A watt is the power that it takes to do one joule ofwork in one second. It can be found using the formula <span>P=<span>Wt</span></span>. (In this formula, W stands for "work.")</span><span><span>Large amounts of energy can be measured in kilowatts (<span>1kW=1×<span>103</span>W</span>), megawatts (<span>1MW=1×<span>106</span>W</span>), or gigawatts (<span>1GW=1×<span>109</span>W</span>).</span><span><span> This is helpful</span><span> This is confusing</span></span></span><span>The watt is named James Watt, who invented an older unit of power: the horsepower.</span>
A Post-and-lintel is a system that uses vertical posts which are separated to
support a horizontal beam.
A Post-and-lintel system is commonly used in architecture and involves the
system where horizontal structures are held by vertical ones with the
presence of spaces between them.
In this scenario, we were told the system uses vertical posts which are
separated to support a horizontal beam which makes Post-and-lintel the
most appropriate choice.
X2 = 60
/ 2 / 2
x = 30
Plus or minus square root 60