<u>Hi dear user! </u>
<u>Hope my answer helps you and solve your queries. </u>
First of all,
ISP which is an acronym of Internet Service Provider, keeps the track of all the activities their users perform through their network.
For eg :-
You have a connection of Airtel, whatever you will access through your Airtel network will always be tracked by your ISP which is Airtel. If you delete your search/download history from your phone/laptop, still it can be seen by Airtel, you cannot delete from there end. Even if you access anything in incognito mode, then your browser does not stores your data but your ISP still can see what all you accessed in incognito mode.
Now coming to your next question,
If you delete your data from your phone or laptop, it is still somewhere saved in the hard drive of that device. The file is deleted from the device but it's hard drive still have that file, and anyone can access to that data by using a certain software but for that, the person will also need your hard drive. There are certain softwares like Disk Drill which is used to recover the hard drive's data.
Hope your queries are resolved !
<h2>"<lastmod>" is the right choice for the given scenario</h2>
<update> This tag does not belong to <URL> tag of the site map. Hence this option goes invalid.
<lastmod> This gives details of the date and time when the website content was changed. It will be in "W3C Date time format". This may omit time at times. This is the write answer.
<loc> This contains the URL of the web page.
<changefreq>: How frequently the "web page is likely to get modified". The values which it accepts are: "monthly, always
, daily
, weekly
,hourly, yearly
, never"
A functional dependency describes a relationship between the attributes of an entity such that the value of one attribute is dependent on the value of some other attribute and is very well affected by it.
There can be various sources of information that define functional dependency. For instance, an attribute age can define the functional dependency with the attribute ID. One cannot include the voter ID if they are not above 18 years of age.
Similarly, the attribute date of joining can define the functional dependency with the attribute experience, as the experience in a particular organization can be calculated by subtracting the joining date fro the current date.
The cyber criminals are the people that are engaged with getting the data in an unapproved way and furthermore mischief to the association henceforth are considered as cyber criminals.
Cyber criminals are people or groups of individuals who use innovation to committed the malicious exercises on computerized frameworks or systems with the aim of taking the organization data or individual information and producing benefit.
There are many types of cyber criminals that are:
- Internet stalkers
- Cyber terrorist
- Identity thieves
If you want them only to read it and not change it send as a .pdf else I would send as a .txt file. Hope that helps