westerlies because in goggle it is given western part of troposphere
Answer: All living things are comprised of cells are in the case of unicellular organisms a cell. And what determines if something is living is whether are not it can reproduce without the assistance of a host organism. Some organelles all cells contain whether prokaryotic are eukaryotic are cell membranes Genetic material (DNA and forms of RNA) a cytoplasm and ribosomes. Obviously there are many more organelles but these are some shared by all cells whether prokaryotic, eukaryotic or plant a type of eukaryote.
The term "law" is a historical relic going back to Newtonian times, when after Newton's development of classical mechanics, it was thought that the workings of the universe were directly analagous to a perfectly constructed and perfectly predictable clockwork. That was turned on its head as a result of quantum mechanics, and modern scientists typically avoid use of the term "law" anymore because it is too dogmatic. Newton's "Laws" are still called that mainly for historical reasons now. What used to be called laws are now called theories.