Report it to the BACB within 30 days
In this case you need to report it to the BACB within 30 days of having gotten the speeding ticket. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board focuses on meeting professional credentialing needs identified by behavior analysts, governments, and consumers of behavior analysis services. They require that any infractions or involvement with the law by a graduate needs to be reported to them as quickly as possible and within the 30 day limit set by them.
Minerals are a principle source of income for many developing countries, including many in southern Africa. At first glance, mineral-rich economies have an advantage over those less well endowed because minerals provide funds for rapid development and poverty reduction.
So they could find a quicker, safer, route to China to trade for spices and silk.
It does not give much confidence to the learner. Inspite of good-knowledge, the learner may feel inferiority complex in a group of highly educated persons.