The distance between Lawrence, Kansas and Nashville, Tennessee is 501.74 miles. So they are really far apart.
The location of Lawrance, Kansas is:
Latitude: 38.9560 Longitude: -95.2520.
And for Nashville, Tennessee is:
Latitude: 36.174465, Longitude: -86.767960.
So while the Latitudes are similar, the longitudes are not, and this is why you can see that the geography of each place is different.
Nutrients get absorbed as the food is broken down, with the majority of nutrients being absorbed in the small intestine, where they're then transported into the blood stream
<h3>The amino acid sequence of tyrosinase from neurospora crassa </h3>
<em>monophenol,</em><em> </em><em> </em><em>dihydroxyphenylalanine,</em><em> </em><em>oxygen</em><em> </em><em>oxidoreducatase </em><em>.</em>
C is your answer :)
Hope it helps!
Until recent history,extinctions have always happened gradually and on a small scale.
Extinction occur when environmental factors like natural disaster,habitat fragmentation,over exploitation,global change don't favor the survival of species thus gradually leads to extinction of species.
Some times human activity becomes the major problem for extinction.More over,poor reproduction,decline in population number and genetic inbreeding also leads to extinction.
99% of all species that exist on earth become disappeared.
Evolution leas to speciation which leas to formation of new species but species become extinct when they are unable to survive against competition.