Two social (gender based) identities - Men & Women. And, brief about their position in society.
Two social identities based on gender are - Men & Women
Men & women have been different & crucial complementary groups in a society. However, patriarchy has led to a discriminatory social set up , favouring men & against women.
Women face many challenges in various parts of society. They get less economic opportunities - access to education , jobs, occupational segregation, gender wage gap. They also suffer social injustices - get less superior & prioritised treatment, than men, in many arenas of life. They are also victim to many gender based violences like domestic violence
This gender based discrimination highlights many dimensions of two social groups, based on gender - that are men & women.
Feudal, communist and socialist economic system.
The economic system in Ethiopia during the imperial regime is feudal economy, the economic system in Ethiopia during the EPRDF regime is capitalist economy and the economic system in Ethiopia during the Derg regime has socialist economy. They follow and promoted a Marxist -Leninist system. So every regime has different economic system i.e. feudal, communist and socialist economic system.
States with larger populations wanted representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation. The Great Compromise provided something for large states and small states. It called for representation based on population in the House and equal representation in the Senate. The committee said both parts of the compromise must be accepted or both rejected.
The balancing of the particular vehicle can be learnt by looking at the owner's manual for the specific information about the balance of the vehicle that Stella wants to learn.
Answer: Option A
The vehicle goes out of balance when there is some kind of movement in the vehicle. Any change in the steering, accelerator or the brake system of the vehicle can make the vehicle go out of balance. This will affect the balance of the vehicle.
To learn about the brake system, the accelerator or the steering of the vehicle, the information can be gathered from the manual of the vehicle that the owner owns. Having information about this can help the owner learn about how to maintain the balance of the vehicle and that it does not go out of balance.