This is a rather complicated thing to explain so I'll try my best. To put it in simple term the sun has whats called a SOI (sphere of infleunce) and anything inside of this is effected by the gravity of that planet or sun in this case. The earth is inside of this sphere of influence. The earth has a constant velocity that is making it move away from the sun but since it's in the suns SOI the path in which the earth moves is changed in a way that causes it to spin around the sun. The same thing is happening with the moon. I'm not 100% sure on this but I think the reason the moon does not just fly away towards the sun is because it is closer to earth and is more effected by earths SOI. Hope this cleared things up for you.
Thymidine dimers is likely to be repair as soon as it is originated but if left unrepaired then it causes frame shift mutations.
In case of Bacterium if UV irradiation induces covalent linkage of two thymidine present adjacently to each other or on a single strand to make thymidine dimers.
These either excised via DNA repair enzyme like Endonuclease V and the proof reading activity of DNA polymerase I enzyme help in incorporation of nucleotide by taking the unmutated original strand as a template.
These dimers if not excised before second round of replication than the sequence of newly synthesized strand will be altered. As DNA polymerase III enzyme read thymidine dimers as single thymidine nucleotide and incorporate only 1 adenine in the newly synthesizing complementary strand which results in frame shift mutations
It is the mutation in which reading frame of codons is shifted or altered due to deletion or addition of a single nucleotide.
Q: Which skeletal system <u>disorder</u> might she be suffering from?
A: <u>Osteoporosis</u>
Q: What <u>techniques</u> could be used to diagnose her condition?
A: <u>Bone mineral density (BMD) test</u> or <u>dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan</u>
Q: What treatments are available?
A: Medication, healthy food.
<u>The vertebral discs between vertebrae could shrink with age</u>. Therefore, a height loss up to 1-inch is normal. However, if the height loss is more then it is possibly due to <u>osteoporosis</u>.
A <u>bone mineral density test</u>, also known as <u>dual energy X-ray absorptiometry</u> scan, is a well-adapted test to measure the amount of calcium and other minerals in the bones. It uses <u>X-rays</u> to measure the content of calcium and thus strength of bones.
A person who is already suffering from osteoporosis should be treated with <u>medicine</u> right away so that it <u>stops</u> further <u>deterioration of the bones</u> and <u>avoid any future bone fractures</u>. Further, it can be handled by <u>eating a healthy diet</u> and <u>supplements</u> such as <u>vitamins D</u>. In case some of the bones/vertebrae are <u>already fractured</u>, <u>surgical approaches</u> might be necessary.

A dog meets all the characerisitcs of life in the following ways - they maintain homeostatis, are made of cells, breathe and have a metabolism, are able to reproduce, pass their traits off to their offsp they grow and change, and and respond to their environment.