The type of circuit depicted above is an example of a parallel circuit. Parallel circuits are circuits that have several pathways for current to flow; the easiest way to see this is by drawing a condensed diagram. If one of the bulbs were removed (that particular pathway was opened so electricity couldn’t flow), the current could simply go through another pathway using another lightbulb and the circuit would still be complete. Series circuits only have one pathway that the current can flow through, which this can’t be since it has multiple. The circuit isn’t shorted since the lightbulb reduces the voltage to zero, and the circuit is closed since the lightbulbs are on.
Hope this helps!
I would maybe say solid at higher temps
Mitochondria provides energy (ATP) for cells to use
Nucleus provides genetic code (DNA)
Ribosomes assemble amino acids chains based on the DNA from nucleus to form proteins
The gecko's feet have tiny suction cups on them that stick to the surface.