It is topography that is formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone.
Analysis of the effect of these two groups of factors upon life expectancy, using data for 95 less developed countries, indicates that mortality is primarily influenced by such socioeconomic development measures as urbanization, industrialization, and education, and secondarily by such public health measures as access ...
there are many different cultures
there are different practices
different languages spoken in different countries
<h3>Pencernaan atau penghadaman ialah pemecahan makanan secara mekanik dan kimia kepada komponen-komponen yang lebih kecil dan mudah diserp ke dalam salur darah, sebagai contoh. Pencernaan ialah satu bentuk katabolisme, iaitu pemecahan molekul makanan yang besar kepada yang lebih kecil.</h3>
<h2>i HOPE IT'S HELP </h2>
Homo ergaster may have been the first human species to leave Africa and fossil remains show this species had expanded its range into southern Eurasia by 1.75 million years ago. Their descendents, Homo erectus, then spread eastward and were established in South East Asia by at least 1.6 million years ago.Oct 30, 2015