He said they all came from one ancestral species.
They all came from the same species but mutations due to their differing habitats changed them all slightly.
The physical stimulus is the only part of the test that is measureable, and therefore, knowable. The stimulus is our anchor for our estimate of the listener's perception.
Answer: Option C
Edward syndrome is also called as trisomy which is a genetic disorder. This disorder is caused due to the third copy of the all the part of the chromosome number 18.
The babies that are born is small and have heart defects. They have overlapping fingers.
The ultrasound cannot detect the problem but the process of amniocentesis can confirm the syndrome.
Light receptors within the eye transmit messages to the brain, which produces the familiar sensations of color. Newton observed that color is not inherent in objects. Rather, the surface of an object reflects some colors and absorbs all the others. We perceiveonly the reflected colors.
Ok we are relitivty close to them so they are our brothers