49 divided by 369 is 0.13279133 and 369 divided by 49 is 7.53061224
The ten thousands place is bigger compared to a digit in the thousands place. Lets say I have 60,000 cookies and you have 6,000 cookies. My number is bigger.
It is 1/4 of the area of the larger triangle...basically if you connect the three midpoints of the triangle's sides it creates four identical smaller triangles...
The perimeter is one half of the larger triangle...
The anwser is D.
Step-by-step explanation:
The equation must be greater or equal to eleven but less then or equal to 15.
Exp prob (red) = 24 / 60 = 4 / 10 = 2/5
Theoretical prob (red) = (1/2)
Exp prob (blue) = 14 / 60 = 7 / 30
Theoretical prob (blue) = 1/6
Exp prob ( yellow) = 22/ 60 = 11/30
Theoretical prob ( yellow) = 2/6 = 1/3