An example of a moderate physical activity would be walking briskly!
Answer:it can lead to electrolyte imbalance which is due to the increase in amounts of solute in the ECF.. This will greatly affect the kidney and other organs and may lead to acute kidney injury
Survivors should be notified that they could change their class shedule and living situation to avoid the person who assoulted them.
The Campus Sexual Assault Survivor's Bill of RIghts what stablished in 1992 in order to protect victims fo sexaul assault.
This item right here is very important, survirors should be told about their rights of changing their activities, classes or living situation in order to feel safe. This among other items should be guaranteed for the victim.
Also, the liver can function normally even when about 80% of it is damaged. However, if people continue to drink alcohol, liver damage progresses and may eventually result in death. If people stop drinking, some damage may be reversed. Such people are likely to live longer.