Western part of africa?
Is there and answer choices?
<u>Scientists</u><u>' argument over the relative importance of heredity and environmental influences is called the</u><u> nature-nurture debate.</u>
What does nurture refer to in the nature vs nurture debate?
- Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff. The expression “nature vs. nurture” describes the question of how much a person's characteristics are formed by either “nature” or “nurture.”
- “Nature” means innate biological factors (namely genetics), while “nurture” can refer to upbringing or life experience more generally.
What does nurture refer to?
Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture.
Who said nature vs. nurture?
The phrase 'nature versus nurture' was first coined in the mid-1800s by the English Victorian polymath Francis Galton in discussion about the influence of heredity and environment on social advancement.
Learn more about nurture
ecoPeace Middle East is a unique organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli environmentalists. Our primary objective is the promotion of cooperative efforts to protect our shared environmental heritage.
in the Jordan Valley, for example, these projects include the advancement of waste water treatment plants that are already removing major pollution sources ...
Man trap
A man trap is common in Banks and shops which has lots of valuables. It comprises of a small space with 2 doors(an entry and exit door) and in rare cases more than 2 doors.When the exit door opens the entry door is usually closed and vice versa. It’s used for security and protection of lives and property.