The first one best describes cohesion. Cohesion is the action of forming together so Cohesion is caused by polar water molecules attracting each other.
The disease caused by this is known as <span>C. difficile colitis, and it is life threatening. So I would prescribe different based on patient. If they are already at late stages of infection I would prescribe penicillin if they are in earlier stages any type one antibiotic would do</span>
Gather and eat fruit. They cried for their mother less than expected. The decrease in size from ralph down was gradual; and though there was a region that habited simon and robert abd Maurice never the less no one had any difficulty in reconizing biguns one end and the littluns at the other.
Hope this helps!
Saturated fats consists of single covalent bond and they are solid at room temperature and their melting point increases with increasing chain length
<span>hope it helps</span>
Cloning is a process of producing genetically identical organisms through the techniques of biotechnology. Reproductive cloning of animals involves the somatic cell nuclear transfer in which the nucleus from an adult donor cell is transferred to an egg cell from which the nucleus has been removed. It is then incorporated into the uterus of a surrogate animal.
Pet cloning is not acceptable because of the following reasons-
(1) Its a very expensive procces with a high rate of failure.
(2) The clones produced tend to develop health problems. Large Offspring Syndrome (LOS) with very large organs is observed showing problems with blood flow and breathing with respect to heart and lungs, renal failure and other complicated issues.
(3) The clones are susceptible to skeletal abnormalities, higher rates of infection and tumour development. This results in a high mortality (death) rates.
(4) Since a surrogate mother is involved in the process of cloning, they experience a lot of health problems while carrying the embryos and sometimes it can be even killed.
Thus, cloning of pets is not acceptable as it affects both the cloned animal and the surrogate mother which is not preferred. Instead, adopting a homeless pet will provide shelter to another animal with a better nourishment.