Answer: D. All of these statements are true.
Menopause is a crucial importance in the sexual life of women. It is the ceasation of menstruation as a result of fluctuation in the sexual hormones of the ovaries. These hormones fluctuation occurs several years before the beginning of menopause. These hormones fluctuation result in psychological, physical and emotional changes. Over the years, different researchers and various statements have contributed to the discussion and research about menopause in women. We've had discussions on several functions and factors affecting menopause, discussions on lifespan issues and sexuality pertaining to menopause, research of how menopause affect the sexuality of women of different races, how lifespan increment of an average woman affects menopause which include age at menopause and cause-specific mortality in various regions, how menopause is a function of sexism in the society, etc. All these and wide array of issues are statements discussed and researched that has contributed to issues concerning menopause over the past 1000 years.
A arteries is the correct answer
Deciding whether to build a new baseball diamond at a nearby park
: collaborative decision
-Deciding which college to attend after high school
: individual decision
-Deciding how to best help a friend struggling with depression - collaborative decision
Explanation: In instances when individual decision is appropriate, the consequences of making the decision is borne by the individual making the decision, he/she enjoys the benefits, and if there are any negative results of the decision, he/she suffers these alone.
When choosing a college, the decision should be made individually for this reason.
This does not apply to deciding where to build a new baseball park, the person in charge of such a project needs to consult with other members of the community and arrive at a consensus, this is when every member agrees with the decision.
Deciding how best to help a friend should be a collaborative decision because of the risks involved. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and should be treated by a medical professional. Unless, you are a medical professional, you need to include your friend's family, other friends and people you believe can advise your friend to seek the professional help he/she needs.
Statistics show around 25% are able to relapse after only 1 year.
It can be a home gym because during free time he can do it so it can give him good results.