Pain cramping bloating gas and diarrhea witch could lead to sickness
The March of dimes. Hope this helped!
Oxygen tanks should be stored in a stand or cart to prevent tipping and falling. Store extra, unsecured tanks by placing them flat on the floor. Do not allow tanks to stand or lean in an upright position while unsecured. DO NOT store oxygen systems in unventilated areas such as closets or cabinets.
Any answers I can choose from ?
D. administer oxygen by mask
Woman experiencing amniotic fluid embolism as the placenta is delivered is in a condition in which the amniotic fluid of that woman had entered into the blood stream and at that spot it could become pulmonary embolism where blood clots could block the lung arteries. So, in order to avoid such reactions oxygen is need to combat this blockage of arteries of lungs. The rest of the option given like firm pressure on fundus is quiet painful and could not stop this reaction.