Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
Keyborad,mouse,light pen, touch pad, microphone, etc
In C programming language the file which containing the code that we are writing the code is have the file extension .c and for c++ it is .cpp. C programming language is a general purpose procedural computer programming language.
.g file extension is for data chart file format used by APPLAUSE database development software.
Hence the answer to this question is false.
The second generation of home consoles occurred from (1976-1988) at this time the most popular and consoled regarded as best was the Atari 2600
Fair Use
In the United States’ copyright law, fair use means the use of a document that is copyrighted within a limited scope. Generally, before one can use a copyrighted document, permission must be sought and obtained from the copyright holder. But for usages such as the ones mention in the question otherwise referred to as "transformative", an individual can make use of a copyrighted material without first seeking permission.