To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the top number by the bottom number. What about with denominators that don't divide into 10, 100 or 1000, such as 7? You still divide the denominator into the numerator, no matter what the numbers are.
This is a proportional relationship, the constant of proportionality is 20m/s and it represents that the horse can run 20 meters every second.
Equation: d = 20s, where d=distance and s=number of seconds.
Step-by-step explanation:
In order to find out whether this relationship is proportional, you need to see if the rate at which the horse runs is constant (the same). If you look at the three sets of data (24, 480), (40, 800) and (60, 1200) where the pair is (seconds, meters), you can see that for any two sets of data the change in meters divided by the change in seconds is consistently 20m/s. For example:
Since the constant is 20, we know that the horse can run 20 meters every second. To find the horse's total distance, we need to multiply the rate by the number of seconds that it runs: