You have decided that you would like to participate in a sport in your community or school. Decide which sport you would like to
go out for based on the skills that are required for that sport. Which sport will you choose, which skill-related fitness abilities are necessary for that sport, and how will you prepare for your upcoming season? how would i answer this?
First off,You would pick your sport. Then you explain the requirements like:clothes and rules.You also explain your abilities that you have for that sport.Which i think you have good qualities!!*You got it!*.
I would choose softball because I have participated in softball before, so I already have the hand-eye coordination and agility that is required for softball. I would need to practice my speed, so i would do a lot of cardio activities to prepare for my upcoming season. I would balance this with strength training and flexibility. Practice matches are a good way to prepare because they exercise the muscle groups that are used in the sport.