First, you convert 5% to decimal. For your info, percents are always equal to 100. So, you divide 5 by a 100, which gives you 0.05. Then, you multiply 2.95 by 0.05. 2.95 x 0.05 is 0.1475 which is about 0.15. Then, you add 0.15 to 2.95. The total cost of a $2.95 notebook plus 5% is about $3.10.
I got 7.64 because you round the 3 to 4 since the 7, in the 3rd decimal place is higher than 5
The answer is the second choice or B. 0.14
Step-by-step explanation:
Distributive property for left side, difference of squares for right side.
-9a^2 cancels out