the stars which are red in color are cool.
The stars which has reddish color are cool in nature while those stars which has white and blue in color are very hot in nature. The stars change its color when they becomes hotter , first the star color reddish when they are cool but with increasing temperature it changes the color from reddish to orange then yellow. After yellow it turns green and finally get blue color when the stars are very very hot.
It’s just E because ethe positiv and negative current are supposed to flow thorough the bulb in opppsote sides at a equel level.In some them negerive/postive is absent and some of them are connected to the same side
correct answer is Fall slide, slump, creep, flow
we know that Movement of particle under the influence of gravity
so rock and other material move down as gravity.
first rock particle fall down because falls occur very rapidly with high slope after that they slide on the slope and after sliding they slump and it occurs when the rupture surface is curved after slump process they creep.
after creeping, it can flow particle as it occurs slowly with the low slope with water.
so correct answer is Fall slide, slump, creep, flow
Differentiate the components of position to get the corresponding components of velocity :

At <em>t</em> = 5.0 s, the particle has velocity

The speed at this time is the magnitude of the velocity :

The direction of motion at this time is the angle
that the velocity vector makes with the positive <em>x</em>-axis, such that