Oh gosh, thank you! (I feel like this'll get deleted, so here are the answers: Tony Stark became Iron man when he was in like this military place? I don't know the exact details, but when people were trying to fight him he made a suit to fight back. The suit was surprisingly powerful, so he re-made it to be more appealing, light-weight, and stronger.
All he has to do is change into his suit. He doesn't actually have any superpowers, unless you consider being really smart a super power)
The reason why a dichotomous key to identify organism is valuable, is because it helps you classify organisms,it helps you identify eco -systems, it helps you analyze an organism's traits.
A dichotomous key is a skill that has been brought about by scientists, to help people to identify and classify organisms.
In Dichotomous key, the main way of identifying an object is by it scientific name.This is because, though two objects might look similar to each other but they might belong to a whole different species.
So, it is is easier to identify the organism from its scientific name, as it will tell us which species it belongs to.
This key is very useful to people who are novice, and don't know much about identifying an organism.
This key also helps identifying, whether an organism belongs to a particular closely related group of organisms or is a separate organism.
It helps one analyze the traits of an organism, and based on their characteristics, it will help you identify and classify the species of the object or organism.
Because there 4squares and theres 1 recessive, recessive are represented with lowercase
The seasonal movement of animals from one place to another (usually occurs in species with ability to flight and in large amount
The answer is skin. The skin is also the largest organ in the body and has the most contact with the outside environment. It is estimated that there are approximately 205 identified genera of bacteria alone on the skin. This normal flora of the skin play significant roles in the body such as augmenting immunity.