A term
Term life insurance or term assurance is life insurance that provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time, the relevant term.
1. At Home - <em>A Canadian experiment to end homelessness.</em>
- <em>At Home </em>is a trial housing project funded by the Canadian Government with the aim being to provide housing as a conduit for homeless people with mental issues to get reintegrated into society. The premise of the concept is that the Mentally ill homeless people need to be house first and then they can be treated and rehabilitated.
2. Many homeless adults - <em>Have a mental illness
- According to Harvard Medical School, between a quarter and a third of homeless people in the united states suffer a form of mental illness with the usual suspects being either schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression and sometimes these are then compounded with drug addiction problems as they aim to escape from the illness.
3. Peer support group - <em>A service within a mental health program
- A Peer Support Group is a gathering of people who share or have shared a mental illness before under the supervision of a trained peer support specialist to talk about their experiences and offer support to one another. It is usually offered as a service within a mental health program aimed at helping people with mental illnesses by showing them that they are not alone.
It is recommended that an athlete consume 16 ounces (two cups) of water two hours before exercise begins. Another eight to 16 ounces (one to two cups) should be consumed 15 minutes prior to exercise.
Here are some good exercises that are FAST to increase cardio fitness:
During a run increase your speed by about 75% for about 15-30 seconds, intervals are crucial.
Mile repeats or 800m repeats with 30 second rests inbetween
HILLS - literally will change you
-hill repeats
-hill sprints
All those are KILLERS for cardio they will improve you in one week and you will keep improving quickly.
Sprinting is also crucial to improve endurance and cardio, sprint repeats, it's really powerful
Have fun with your cardio! :)
Chemical digestion, absorption and defecation.