Eclipse occurs when the shadow of planetary body is cast on another body. This makes part of the planetary body where the shadow is cast to experience darkness.
Solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth.
This causes the shadow of the moon to be cast on the earth.
Since the moon is smaller than the earth and the earth is spherical in shape, some part of the earth will experience the eclipse.
Other parts facing the sun will have daylight normally.
Not all parts of the earth faces the sun at all times due to the shape and rotation of the earth on its axis. Only the part facing the sun and where the moon shadow falls will experience the eclipse.
The moon is also smaller than the earth and the sun and so its shadow cannot cover the whole earth. It cannot perfectly obstruct light from falling on earth.
Metamorphosis through which the insect develops by four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult. A type of metamorphosis in which an organism's transformation is so dramatic that it is difficult to recognize the relationship between the larva and adult form.