Answer: Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable
- a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate it is used such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, and tidal energy.
- a nonrenewable resource has a limited supply such as coal, gas, nuclear energy, and fossil fuels.
He will decide which drink is to be served to whom, by the use of litmus paper.
The litmus paper is the most common indicator to determine the acidity or basicity of a solution. Blue litmus paper changes its color to red when a solution changes from basic to acidic while red litmus paper changes its color to blue when the opposite occurs (acid → basic).
First of all the litmus paper strip, pH indicator, is immersed in a solution and allowed to pass between 10 and 15 seconds while keeping the strip submerged. Afterwards it is removed, and then the strip compares the color. If the color is diffuse, there is a color scale where it is determined which solution has alkaline or acidic pH
Answer: Barium is +2, Fluorine is -1
The charge of barium is +2, and the charge of fluorine is -1. You can determine this from the periodic table groups.
The formula for barium fluoride is thus BaF2.
Well, these particles happens to be small, like REALLY small. So microscopically small they aren't picked up or observed my the naked eye. also the vibrations are in an atomic scale which is also VERY tiny This goes for all solids too.