Please match the word to the correct definition. Question 1 options: is a fence of large pointed wooden stakes, typically over 8
-10 feet tall, set firmly in the ground used to for defense. These were used as the outer wall of a fort. The first elected representative governmental body in the New World. The purpose of this body was to make laws for the good of the people of the colony. Followed the right to representation as was done in England by the English parliament. People that would agree to travel to the New World and work. These people would sign a contract to work. Their costs of travel and living expenses (food, clothing, and shelter) in the New World would be covered in exchange for agreeing to work from four to seven years. a type of warfare where an attacker surrounds and traps an enemy inside of a fortified city or a fort until they surrender or die due to lack of supplies, especially food. Winter period of 1609-1610 where settlers ran out of food. It is believed that the return of John Smith to England led to a war with the natives and an attempt to starve the settlers to force them out or to kill them. They ate anything they could to survive and there is even evidence of cannibalism. The population of Jamestown dropped from 500 to only 60 when the spring arrived. A crop grown by natives of the New World, especially in the Caribbean and in North America. It could be dried, put in a pipe and smoked. A sweeter variety was developed in the Virginia colony that made it very popular in England and later, throughout Europe. This crop very likely saved the colony and made it prosperous and important. a stock company used to fund an effort for settlement in Virginia to make a profit. Investors are people that buy shares, or a small part of the ownership of the company, in hopes that the company can help the investors make money. Investors would share any profits made by the company. The shares help pay for the company’s expenses and efforts. An elected representative in the Virginia colony 1. Virginia Company 2. Palisade 3. "The Starving Time" 4. Siege 5. Tobacco 6. Indentured Servants 7. Burgess 8. House of Burgesses
Technically, continuous improvement is an operations concept developed in Japan, although of course it quickly spread to other countries and economies since it provides for more efficiency.