Answer:The vagina and the penis are the last passageway out of the reproductive system.
The testes and the ovaries perform similar function.
The Sperm duct and the Fallopian tube perform similar function
Explanation:The penis is the exit out of the male reproductive system,it is through the penial opening that seminal fluid leaves the male reproductive system into a female vagina during coupulation.
The testes is the home for the production of the male spermatozoa while the ovaries contains the ovules( the (sex cell).
The Sperm duct does the job of transportation of the seminal fluid as the Fallopian tube also transports the fertilized egg for implantation.
A specialization in urology that forces on minimally invasive surgical procedures is called an Endoscopy
:(PART 2)Take a rest.Wear the appropriate safety equipment. Muscles must be built up. Increase your adaptability. Use the proper approach. Take a rest. Take safety precautions. It is never a smart idea to play through pain.
:(PART 1) Take these steps to get back on your feet if you suspect you've suffered a concussion: Seek the advice of a concussion expert. The first step after a traumatic brain injury is to see a doctor.Rest and relax.Patience is required. Keep yourself hydrated and eat well. Electronics should be avoided. Consult a physical therapist. Slowly Resuming your normal schedule is a good idea.
I hope that Explains it
She died of an Ischemic stroke