<u>Woodland period can be divided into Early woodland (500-100B.C), Middle woodland (100B.C-A.D 300) and Late woodland (300A.D-1000 A.D). </u>The social, economic and technological development of the archaic period continued in the woodland period, during this period hunting-gathering was refined, native plants such as corn and beans were domesticated. Pottery production and mound construction continued. Climatic conditions and land forms stabilized.
The refining of hunting-gathering techniques helped the woodland people to catch fishes in the major river valleys and hunt deer and bison.
A. Isolationist approach to the first world war
The Northwest Passage is a sea route that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Answer: He wanted to form an alliance with Louis XIV. He believed in the divine right of kings. He believed Parliament should be given the right to tax.