Of the forces listed I think the force of him diving and sliding across the infield acted on the player.
I think so because the slowing down was a result of an action, and I don’t think that should count as An action when it is the result of an action. However, the act of diving head-first into second base and sliding across the infield are independent actions and will cause friction, which will act upon the player.
Beginning when the bottom of the object first touches the water,
and as it descends and more and more of it goes under, the
buoyant force on it increases during that time.
As soon as the object is completely underwater, it doesn't matter
how deep under it is, the buoyant force on it remains the same.
A camera lens (also known as photographic lens or photographic objective) is an optical lens or assembly of lenses used in conjunction with a camera body and mechanism to make images of objects either on photographic film or on other media capable of storing an image chemically or electronically.
What substances? Depends on their density, the lower density floats on top. For example, oil floats on top of water
It is converted into kinetic energy