Answer: A. <em>New laws and regulations from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to cut costs and improve indicators of quality and staffing challenges.</em>
Explanation: The modern and recent trends and legislation which dwell more on preventive medicine and make medical care available and affordable to the everyone will help to improve the overall well being of people.
ACA (AFFORDABLE CARE ACT) which people also call the ''Obama care'' was founded in the year 2010, through a Bill passed by 111th Congress of the United States is aimed that helping to subsidize health care and make it affordable to the poor.
En economía, se habla de teorías del valor para indicar el conjunto de concepciones sobre la génesis y determinación del valor, como propiedad de las mercancías distinta del costo y lógicamente antecedente al precio, que constituye su manifestación fenomenal en esta perspectiva.
La economía política siempre ha tratado de responder a la pregunta: ¿de dónde viene el valor? Las respuestas fueron muy divergentes. Van desde la escasez de bienes disponibles, a su utilidad, a la necesidad de remunerar los factores productivos, incluido el capital y considerando su remuneración; - el beneficio - como recompensa por la abstinencia del capitalista, que puede permitirse renunciar al consumo para utilizar la propia riqueza de forma productiva, etc.
Rent control is an example of a "price ceiling", it sets the price of rent "below" the equilibrium price and results in a "shortage" of apartments.
Answer is "D".
Rent control is a type of value control that confines the sum a property proprietor can charge for leasing a home or other land. Rent control goes about as a price ceiling by keeping rents either from being charged over a specific level or from expanding at a rate higher than a predetermined percentage.
As the coffee prices are relative higher than what it actually ends up paying, person will pay above their face value to obtain. Same will apply the same idea for that concept.
As tea is also icnreases we will pushed there.
In the long term we should review how this is done as usually end up here and allone
Therefore the compete sentences will be:
An increase in the price of coffee coupled with an increase in the number of tea growers the lower adverzare will occur within a year Also, we could check for it at 12.600
shifts the supply of loanable funds and reduces interest rates.
The supply and demand curves of money (loanable funds) work in the same way as every other good or service. When the supply of a good or service increases, the supply curve shifts to the right, increasing total quantity supplied and decreasing equilibrium price. When we are talking about loans, the equilibrium price is the interest rate.