The use of robots and how they help build cars and how the assembly line has improved from the 1900's would be my answer.
1. Government control of immigration is an example of inherent powers.<span> The answer to your question is A.
2. S</span>upremacy clause makes the acts and treaties of the United States paramount to those of the states. <span>The answer to your question is C.
3. </span>The Constitution grants <span>delegated powers </span>to the national government. <span>The answer to your question is A.
I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.
True, laboratory examination may narrow the origin of such evidence to a group of persons that includes the suspect.
More about laboratory examination:
Scientists examine the evidence gathered from crime sites, suspects, and sufferers in crime laboratory. They can examine everything, including DNA, biometrics, human body parts, and questionable objects.
Numerous labs have seen increased responsibilities as a consequence of the increasing reliance on scientific approaches in criminal investigations. By narrowing their procedures and offering up-to-date training, NIJ is committed to assisting crime laboratories in growing their capacity to keep up with technological advancements in crime solving.
Learn more about the laboratory here:
I would say that yes, generally, state governments are set up the same as the federal government.
For example, they have a separation of powers into executive, legislative and judicial, and most states have a bi-cameral legislitive branch, similarly to the federal government.