Sexual coercion refers to tactics that is used to make someone to have sexual relationship by tricking, Emotionally manipulate them, or by blatantly pressuring them.
Examples of sexual coercion:
- Threatening to fire employee if she refused to sleep with the boss.
- Telling your boyfriend that you're going to leave him if he refused to do a certain sexual act.
paint defense and paint offense
In all, a center needs to be good in the paint.
<u>Negative Reinforcement</u> is the process of strengthening a behavior by contingently withdrawing something displeasing.
Negative reinforcement is basically a part of operant conditioning in which the behaviour is increased by avoiding the negative consequences. Active avoidance of an aversive stimulus increases desired behaviour.
<u>For example</u> : Child increases his kind behaviour towards the younger brother to avoid getting scolded.
First answer and then the other is the second answer.