Be sure to read the label for the ingredients and dosage.
OTC (over the counter) are the drugs that are taken without the prescription of any doctor. Some common OTC that are available in the market are naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen.
The care must be required if the OTC is given to the child. Sometime OTC may result in pain, fever is taken in excess amount. The label should be read properly and the ingredient must be read before giving it to the children. These OTC might also affects the central nervous system and digestive system of the children.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A).
The ciliary body is a ring shaped tissue inside the eye that would divide the posterior chamber from the vitreous body. It contains the ciliary muscle, vessels, and the fibrous connective tissue. The folds on the inner ciliary epithelium are called ciliary processes, and these then secrete aqueous humor into the posterior chamber. The aqueous humor flows through the pupil into the anterior chamber.
<span>They are heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
</span>Muscular Strength is the amount of force you can put forth with your
muscles. It is often measured by how much weight you can lift.
Flexibility is the ability to use your joints fully.
Heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance is the
ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time.
Body Composition is the percentage of body weight that is fat
compared to other body tissue, such as bone and muscle.
Muscular Endurance is the ability to use the muscles, which are
attached to the bones, many times without getting tired.
Increased consumption of lutein & zeaxanthin increases phytochemicals that are associated with a lower incidence and slower progression of age-related macular degeneration.