In her throat that makes it difficult for her to swallow
So there bones can get stronger
1. asthma
2. lung cancer
3. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
4. pneumonia
5. autism
Solution :
Nursing the care plan
To assess the respiratory rate, the depth, the abnormal breathing pattern.
Monitor the behavior of the patient and the mental status for the onset of the restlessness and confusion.
Observe for the nail beds and the cyanosis in the skin.
Monitor the oxygen saturation continuously with the help of a pulse oximeter.
<u>Nursing diagnosis</u>
Impaired the gas impaired exchanged related to the airway obstruction as a evidence by the restless and shortness of the breathing and confusion.
Improving the gas exchange and also improve the breathing pattern.
Position the patient with his or her head elevated from the bed in a semi Flower's position.
<u>Evaluation </u>
The patient can breathe normally and then reduce the restlessness and the confusions.