Answer: The time difference between Bangladesh and Nepal is 0.25 hour(s). While in Bangladesh the actual local time is 06:00, in Nepal the time is 05:45.
So many differences, can't focus on what is important due to this large within-group variance can obscure a between-groups difference.
within-groups variance (from time to time referred to as error institution or error variance) is a term utilized in ANOVA checks. It refers to versions due to variations within man or woman corporations (or degrees). In other words, no longer all the values within every group (e.g. method) are equal.
By means of dividing the experimental conditions into numerous "blocks", the researcher can localize error variance i.e. in each block the inside group's variance is smaller. for example, in an test a researcher accrued the information in days.
Learn more about groups variance here:
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The correct answer is: D) Non-material culture.
Non-material culture refer to the concept when non-material things such as thoughts and ideas make up a culture. Connotations such as bravery and freedom are non-material so they fit well in non-material culture. One of the key characteristics of non-material culture is that it does not include any kind of physical object. It largely depends upon thoughts, ideas, beliefs, norms, values, etc that shape up the society.
Stimulants are often used to treat ADHD