Throwing garbage on the ground, not putting out a camp fire, lighting something that creates smoke...
Answer: they’re mammals
Whales differ from fish because even though they are aquatic animals they are mammals and have the surface for oxygen. They also differ from fish by birthing live young
A single nucleotide changes in CCG which will result in missense mutation can be many possibilities.
Missense mutations
CCG codes for Proline amino acid
• Mutation in first nucleotide codes for
UCG specifically encodes Serine
ACG specifically encodes Threonine
GCG specifically encodes Alanine
Missense mutation
• Mutation in second nucleotide specify for coding
CUG specifically encodes Leucine
CAG specifically encodes Glutamine
CGG specifically encodes Arginine
• Mutation in Third Nucleotide will not result in missense mutation because any point mutation in third nucleotide of codon will encode same amino acid i.e Proline.
Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are thought to be limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin. Embryonic stem cells can be grown relatively easily in culture.