ashley Baker has been the webmaster for Berryhill Finance only ten days when Berryhill's website was flooded with access attempt
s. Ashley shut down the site and only opened it to Web addresses which she specifically identified as legitimate. As a result, many of Berryhill's customers were unable to obtain loans, causing Berryhill to lose a significant amount of business. Berryhill Finance suffered from a
A denial-of-service (DoS) attack occurs when legitimate users are unable to access information systems, devices, or other network resources due to the actions of a malicious cyber threat actor. Services affected may include email, websites, online accounts (e.g., banking), or other services that rely on the affected computer or network. DoS attacks can cost an organization both time and money while their resources and services are inaccessible.
Berryhill Finance suffered from a denial-of-service attack. They kind of shot themselves in the leg by shutting down the site and opening it to those they thought were legitimate. As a result, many of Berryhill's customers were unable access the site, unable to obtain loans, causing Berryhill to lose a significant amount of business.
Berryhill Finance suffered from a denial-of-service attack. Denial-of-service-attack is a cyber crime in which the hackers/attackers intention is to make the website temporarily or indefinitely accessible to it's intended users. The attack was aimed at disrupting/denying Berryhill Finance's clients access to their web services such as loan applications.
When gold was discovered on Cherokee land in Georgia, whites poured onto Cherokee lands by the thousands, ignoring treaties, burning villages, and flaunting the U.S. Constitution and the Non-Intercourse laws passed by Congress
Exempt review is a term used in academic studies that represents a situation in which a research or study may be approved by the institutional review committee (IRB), even with minimal risk. This type of research does not require much protocol by the IRB and can be approved for publication even without the need to convene this committee.
A movement that does not believe in the authority and reject it in many different levels or get rids the undesirable state which can be harmful and unnecessary by replacing it with some form of free associations.