Arrion McClellan was using an underarm-aerosol deodorant one morning while smoking a cigarette. The deodorant had this warning i
n large letters on the side of the can: DO NOT USE AROUND HEAT, FLAME OR WHILE SMOKING. The deodorant ignited McClellans cigarette in her hand and the flames quickly spread to her silk robe. McClellan was severely burned and will have permanent scarring. Who is liable for her injuries?
Liability can be defined as legal responsibility regarding an issue, so it is extremely important to be familiar with all the facts.
In this particular case, the manufacturer of the deodorant clearly and in large letters wrote a warning about possible dangers so he can't be considered liable for the accident.
However, if this hadn't been the case, McClellan would've had the right to take some legal actions.
This way, she alone is responsible for the accident and the consequences.
It should be puberty because once a female starts her menstrual cycle she is able to become pregnant. The same should go for guys when it comes to their sperm becoming "active" in other words