Fault when it lands in the wrong box, net when the ball touchs the net on a serve?
yes and yes Mittelschmerz pain occurs on the side of the ovary that's releasing an egg (ovulating). The pain may switch sides every other month, or you may feel pain on the same side for several months. Keep track of your menstrual cycle for several months and note when you feel lower abdominal pain.
hope this helps have a good night/day :) ❤
Social health.because financial is about money , mental health is about where your state of mind is at, and physical health is about your body, so it’s social because socializing means “the action or practice of participating in social activities or mixing socially with others”. this therefore shows it means how to communicate with others .
The answer is Cardiogenic shock.
This is a 58-year-old patient, aware that she has acute chest pain and shortness of breath. She is very anxious and says she will die. The physical examination is cold, pale, sweaty and with a weak, rapid and irregular pulse. SOP: 90% .92 / 60. Crepites in both lung fields. It is a cardiogenic shock. Urgent handling.