Since diabetics are not able to make enough insulin, scientists use gene engineering to make it for them. they insert the gene that codes for the production of insulin in the plasmid (circular DNA of bacteria ) to create recombinent DNA, and the bacteria will asexually reproduce, making more and more of the insulin in a short amount of time! hope this helped it took me a long time to understand the whole process in this unit!
Answer: the answer is B which is stationary
This type of front behaves like a warm front only that it is quiescent because the front barely shifts its position. The weather may also be similar to that of a warm front. The two abutting air masses run almost parallel to the front because none is stronger than the other to cause displacement.
The seasons are caused as the Earth, tilted on its axis, travels in a loop around the Sun each year. Summer happens in the hemisphere tilted towards the Sun, and winter happens in the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun. As the Earth travels around the Sun, the hemisphere that is tilted towards or away from the Sun changes.
~Hello there!
Your question: When animating mitosis, only five key frames are needed for the computer to fill in the rest of the animation. What is this process called?
Your answer: When animating mitosis, only five key frames are needed for the computer to fill in the rest of the animation. This process is called tweening.
Any queries ^?
Happy Studying! :D
Deep zone, surface zone and transition zone.
Open sea zone is the area of the coastal areas above the sea bed and cover the continental shelf where large Marine organism are present and there is enough sunlight algae organism use to photosynthesize and produce food for the Marine organisms by converting carbondioxide and water into carbohydrates.
The zone stretches from the surface , to the middle and depth of 200 m.
The surface zone is the area where light penetrates most , the transition stretches from the surface zone downward, in this zone light penetrates bit not as much as surface zone and in the deep zone, it stretches from the transition zone downward to a depth of 200 meters and don't have enough light penetration compare to surface and transition.