There are only 3 sites for intramuscular injections, most commonly the deltoid then the ventrogluteal, and lastly the vastus lateralis for infants. If the site is a "hard muscle" or when the muscle is in constant spasm, then an intramuscular injection should not be done. Other reasons why an intramuscular injection cannot be done on a specific site are (1) atrophied muscle on an emanciated patient (i.e. malnourished or cachectic patients), (2) skin infection overlying the muscle group, and (3) the dorsogluteal muscle as this can hit the sciatic nerve and cause paralysis and other neuropathy of the ipsilateral leg.
The hairs on the skin also help to control body temperature.
They lie flat when we are warm, and rise when we are cold. The hairs trap a layer of air above the skin, which helps to insulate the skin against heat loss. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain which monitors the body's temperature.
Typical components of an oral patient report include all of the following, EXCEPT: the set of baseline vital signs taken at the scene. Despite numerous, sincere efforts to convince a 40-year-old man to consent to EMS treatment and transport, he refuses.