<em>If a cell in your body has 46 chromosomes, it is said to be diploid.</em>
A diploid cell can be described as a cell that has chromosomes present in it in the form of pairs. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the autosomal cells of a human body. This means that in total there are 46 chromosomes in the autosomal cells.
However, the sex cells of the humans are haploid. The sex cells of humans have 23 chromosomes. The male and female sex cells unite to form diploid cell.
50 %
So, each sperm contains 50% of the father's genes and each egg contains 50% of the mother's genes. This makes gametes different from other cells in the body
All bacteria can evolve by selection on changes to their genetic material DNA caused by genetic recombination or mutations. Mutations come from errors made during the replication of DNA or from exposure to mutagens.
Add radio labeled actin sub units to a mixture of actin filaments in which conditions are favorable for polymerization. This would enable you to identify the plus end of actin filaments.
Actin filaments are linear polymer of globular actin sub units Actin filaments have polarity. This means that the two ends can be identified due to structural differences.
Aminopeptidases are enzymes that cleave polypeptides, or proteins,at the N terminus, or the amino end. Protein hydrolysis is breaking down proteins into amino acids by adding water. Aminopeptidases are enzymes that cause protein hydrolysis. Once the protein is broken down into amino acids, the amino acids can be metabolized. Usually the body uses carbohydrates or lipids for metabolism, but in rare cases, such as starvation, proteins can be broken down and used for energy.
Protein metabolism starts with the enzyme,pepsin, in the stomach and the smaller polypeptides travel to the small intestine where trypsin and chymotrypsin break them down into amino acids. Most of the newly available amino acids are combined to form new proteins. If the body has no need for proteins, they are converted to glucose or ketones and are decomposed. Breaking down amino acids results in nitrogen, which is converted to urine. In starvation, protein is broken down to amino acids and amino acids are broken down to oxaloacetate acid, pyruvate and acetyl coA and these intermediates are used in the Kreb cycle to produce ATP.