The relationship would be unequal and repressive in nature. The imperialist nation can exercise its authority over its protectorate, in the case of the Empire of Japan and its protectorate, Korea, the former could unilaterally extract wealth from the latter with impunity.
C - prey
i - predator
a - parasitism
f - commensalism
d - competition
According to the classical conditioning approach, in the above sighted case, the waitress is an example of a conditioned stimulus.
- Classical conditioning is a learning procedure through which a biologically potent stimulus, together with a neutral stimulus, where the neutral stimulus ignites a response.
- The response that occurs here is the same as the response that occurs in the case of stimulation by the potent stimulant. Thereby, the nurse is an alternative stimulus here.
- For instance, in the above example, if you see the food only, then, an individual shall start salivation, but since the waiter is associated with food in your mind, then when you see her, you shall be salivating, if you have appetite.
corporate citizenship
Corporate citizenship is also called Corporate social responsibility and is describes the contribution of organizations to the society. In other words, it is referred to the people's perception of the business organization's positive contribution to the local community or society as a whole. The corporation has to communicate with its staff, shareholders, business partners, clients, government, and the rest of the community effectively to do this.
they made their decisions by acclamation.